
无障碍服务及资料 & 残疾学生设备


导师通知不是自动的,必须由学生主动提出. 以下课程注册, the student must request an accommodation notification form through disability services. The student will then deliver the Accommodation Notification to each course instructor. 学生必须取得导师的签名, 向讲师提供一份副本, 并将填妥的表格交回无障碍办公室. 在交回填妥的表格之前,住宿将不生效.


  • Students with specific functional limitations may request assistance with classroom notes. A determination of the method for obtaining classroom notes is 基于残疾文档, 课程形式及授课老师推荐.
  • Classroom notes will generally be obtained by the utilization of a tape recorder or a volunteer classmate. Carbonless duplication paper is available upon request through Disability Services as well as a photocopy machine. Students are generally responsible for providing and operating the digital recorder along with the batteries. The 无障碍设施办事处 does have a limited number of tape recorders available in case of emergency.
  • 出示住宿通知表格时, the student informs the instructor that notes will be needed and asks for assistance to identify a volunteer. In the event that either the volunteer system or digital recorder is not successful, 立即联系无障碍办公室.
  • 一个自愿记笔记的人或数字录音机不能成为上课出勤率低的借口. Students receiving class notes accommodation should not expect notes for days missed unless special arrangements are made in advance.


  • 测试设施, 基于残疾文档, 可能包括延长的时间, 减少分心环境, 测试抄写员, 测试读者, 使用电脑进行笔试, 放大打印或使用计算器.
  • 学生应该做出安排, 至少提前两天上课, 通过课程老师和无障碍办公室. Actual test accommodations may be provided through the 无障碍设施办事处 or the 测试中心 based on the specific arrangements made by the student and course instructor. 如果学生在规定时间缺席,将通知教师.


  • Students whose documentation supports an accommodation for printed materials in an alternate format should contact the 无障碍设施办事处 as soon as possible following registration. 替代格式材料的可用性可能有限, so students are encouraged to make a request for textbooks or other class-related materials well in advance. 把印刷文本转换成另一种形式, 无障碍办公室将尽量尊重学生的偏好. 然而, 取决于请求的时间, 材料的可用性, 材料的体积, 以及预计返回的时间, 调整可能是必要的. Such adjustment may include the student using appropriate technology to assist him or her (CCTV or scan/reader computer software), 这项技术在校园里也可以使用.
  • Requests for accessible materials will be processed in the order in which they are received.


  • Interpretation and transliteration services will be arranged for qualifying deaf and hard-of-hearing students for scheduled classes, 实验室, 学生活动安排, 和约会. Every attempt will be made to honor a student’s communication preference; however, other arrangements may be made depending on the time of advanced notice and availability of interpreters.
  • 学生必须提前申请服务,以确保服务可以安排. Students are asked to provide a three-week 预先通知 for scheduled classes and a one-week notice for scheduled activities or appointments.
  • Students who request interpreter services and plan to be absent or find that services are not needed must cancel arrangements immediately through the 无障碍设施办事处.
  • 万一有未报告的缺席, 口译员将在预定上课时间后等待15分钟. 当学生缺席时,翻译将不会留在教室里. 如果学生第二节课还没到, the interpreter will assume that the student will be absent for the remaining classes. The student will be expected to obtain materials in the same manner as other students.
  • 如果一个学生在某节课上有三次未报告缺席, interpreter services may be terminated until the student meets with the Counselor of the 无障碍设施办事处. 学生将收到书面通知.
  • Students should report any concern or problem involving an interpreter to the Counselor of the 无障碍设施办事处.
  • To make your request for a sign language interpreter or transliterator, please complete our 申请表.


  • Various adaptive equipment or software for on-campus use can be made available to qualified students as a part of a specific classroom accommodation plan. 然而, 任何规定的或个人的设备, 包括家用的, 这是学生的责任吗.
  • 作为住宿计划的一部分, the qualified student will be able to sign out equipment from the 无障碍设施办事处 on a daily basis. 其他设备, 例如软件或修改的键盘, 将在学生要求的指定教室或LRC提供.
  • Every attempt will be made to provide appropriate training to enable the student to effectively utilize specific equipment or software. 这种训练需要学生积极参与, 预先通知, 还有额外的在校时间.


  • Students are responsible for providing their own personal health and hygiene needs along with their mobility needs within the classroom and around campus.
  • 由于规定和空间限制, personal attendants generally may not attend class with the registered student unless the accommodation is supported by disability documentation as a health/safety issue and is included in the student accommodation plan.


  • The 无障碍设施办事处 does not have a role in determining course attendance policies. 无论残疾与否,学生都应该参加预定的课程. Students may request that instructors be informed as to the legitimacy of disability-related absences, 但该通知不能作为借口或改变课程出勤政策.
  • 预计缺课的学生应提前通知授课老师. 学生也要为所有错过的作业和材料负责.


  • Tutorial services are scheduled in specific content areas campus-wide through academic programs as appropriate. Qualified students are encouraged to request accommodations in order to utilize those services.
  • Students are responsible for individual tutoring or individual instruction outside of the scheduled activities offered through academic programs.


  • Accessible parking is available in accordance with the state and federal regulations. Students are required to follow all appropriate regulations and to have North Carolina-issued permit visible when parked in an accessible or handicapped space.
  • 无障碍停车场采用先到先得原则. Any student wishing to address accessible parking issues should contact the 无障碍设施办事处.